Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Great Back and Forth

Chewing all that, shall we say, shit may not be a skilled activity, but the dedication it takes to do it might be considered a skill. Does skill necessarily make ones work art? I know plenty of welders, but few would consider what they do/create/work on art. So maybe it is the concept that really matters. For instance Cherry Makita was poorly constructed but that was part of its message/charm/draw/appeal.

Although I have to say I am hesitant to think that concept is all that matters. I could post a piece of blank paper and say that I have a concept of a bunny rabbit painted on it. However at that point I would beg that while the concept is there the work is not communicating.

On the other hand, look at the shapes of the two chewed blocks. Whether it is conscience or unconscience they develop interestingly and complement each other in a very aesthetic way. I think that while it was rudimentary skill that shaped them I do think it required some sort of skill. Eating is a skill you know.